When Do Dental Emergency Require Tooth Extractions

Dental emergencies can occur unexpectedly and necessitate immediate attention. Without delay, it’s essential to address dental trauma or injury, such as a severe fall or sports-related accident.

Sometimes, when dental restorations can’t resolve the damage, or if you can’t reposition the tooth in its socket, you may require tooth extractions. Also, an extraction may be the best solution to prevent further damage if the tooth is severely decayed.

This article explores when you may need emergency tooth extractions following dental emergencies. We also discuss what to do in a dental emergency.

When to Get Emergency Tooth Extractions

Dental emergencies can catch us off guard, and swift care is crucial. You may consider tooth extractions after a dental emergency in the following situations:

The Tooth Cannot Be Properly Repositioned in the Socket

A common reason for tooth extraction following a dental emergency is when a tooth has been knocked loose in its socket. With prompt care, a dentist can often reposition and stabilize the dislodged tooth. However, there are scenarios where removing the tooth and considering a replacement becomes the preferred course of action.

Chip or Crack Beyond Restoration

Chips and cracks are frequent consequences of dental trauma. You can often effectively repair these issues with dental crowns, veneers, or other restorative procedures. However, if the chip or crack extends deep into the tooth’s root, rendering the tooth severely damaged, tooth extraction may be the only viable option.

Severe Tooth Decay

Deep tooth decay can lead to significant discomfort, potentially escalating into a dental emergency. You may require tooth extraction if you can’t resolve the tooth decay through a filling or root canal. During an examination, a dentist will assess the extent of the decay and provide a professional recommendation.

Related Article: Full Mouth Restoration: Benefits, Cost, and Procedures

Severe Tooth Infection

Severe tooth infections typically occur when bacteria infiltrate the tooth’s root, leading to dental abscesses. In many cases, a root canal procedure can address the infection by removing and sealing the tooth’s affected portion. However, for severe infections, tooth extraction becomes the recommended solution.

Weakened Supporting Structures

You may need emergency tooth extractions if you have gum disease. Gum disease is a common factor that may necessitate tooth extractions. This condition weakens the supporting structures of the teeth, including the gums and jawbone, causing teeth to become loose.

In cases where gum disease has significantly compromised these structures, and you can’t restore them, we advise emergency tooth removal. You may also explore replacement options.

weakened supporting structures

FAQs About Dental Emergencies and Tooth Extractions

Patients often have questions about extracting decayed, infected, or damaged teeth after a dental emergency. Here are three common inquiries:

Q:  What Should I Do if My Tooth Is Knocked Out Entirely?

A: If you completely knock out a tooth, prompt action can sometimes save it by repositioning and stabilizing it in the socket. However, you must correctly preserve the tooth. However, if the tooth is irreparable, the tooth replacement process can commence during the dental emergency visit.

Q: Are Extractions Painful?

A: The idea of a painful tooth extraction concerns many patients. While you may experience discomfort during the procedure, the dentist can minimize it using a local anesthetic.

You can manage any discomfort and minor swelling that persists for 24 to 72 hours post-surgery with over-the-counter pain relievers and at-home remedies. For instance, you can use a cold compress.

Q: What Are the Risks of Not Extracting a Damaged or Infected Tooth?

A: Typically, dentists only recommend tooth extraction when saving the tooth is no longer feasible. The discomfort associated with tooth extraction is generally less severe and shorter-lived than the symptoms of decay, infection, or dental trauma.

Delaying extraction often results in more intense and prolonged discomfort, with the tooth likely to fall out only after experiencing severe and almost intolerable pain.

Related Article: Common Dental Problems and Dental Treatments in Vaughan

infected tooth

Dental Emergency Services in Rutherford Marketplace, Vaughan

You may need emergency tooth extraction if your tooth is severely decayed or you’re suffering from gum disease. Don’t wait until the pain becomes unbearable before going to the dental clinic. In most cases, you can save the tooth swiftly and promptly.

Having a dental emergency? Our dental team is equipped to provide immediate care for dental trauma, aiming to limit damage and minimize the need for invasive treatments.

When tooth extraction becomes necessary, we can offer tooth replacement options. Contact us today at 647-846-7555 to schedule an appointment for dental emergency treatment at Marketplace Dentistry in Vaughan.

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Fluoride can be an easy and cost-effective way to prevent and slow the decay of teeth for both children and adults. 

Call Marketplace Dentistry today to schedule an exam and find out if fluoride treatments are right for you.

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